60min Short Game Practice Session

Written by: Ryan Mouque
Short Golf Game Practice Session

Here’s another simple practice plan with actionable advice & games you can play to keep you occupied & improve. This time we are focusing on the Short Game (Around the green).

10 Mins - Golf Technique Work

10 Mins – Technique Work
Start off with 10-15 balls & work on your fundamentals that YOU NEED in order to chip/pitch the ball well.

Make sure your setup is good, weight distribution is good, ball position is in the spot you want for stock shots, etc.

Use any training aids you normally do to help with low point control, path, release patterns, etc. Again, these will be specific to you and what you are working on.

10 Mins –  Golf Trajectory Control

10 Mins – Trajectory Control
Hit to different flags & change your trajectory often. Learn to hit low, medium & high shots with the one club.

You’ll need to change ball position, release patterns, open face, close face, out to in path, in to out path, etc.

This is a good skill to learn for times when you need to use it on the golf course.

Also, learn what flight runs more, sits softer, which one spins more, spins less, etc.

10 Mins – Randomise/Change Lies
Move around the practice green and play several golf balls out of different lies. Fairway lie, sitting down in fairway, sitting down in the rough, sitting up in the rough etc.

You can also hit out of these lies to different flag locations. Short sided, back flags, middle flags etc. Learn what the correct club would be to use, the correct trajectory, how the ball comes out of each lie.

Randomise as much as possible & learn what the ball does from each lie & with each trajectory.

15 Mins – Distance Control

I like to do the “Ladder Drill”. It’s a great game to work on your distance control. Here’s how you play it:

PS: This game is from my Short Game E-Book. If you want more games like this, check them out here.

15 Mins – Putting All Skills Together
To finish off your practice session, I want you to take everything you’ve worked on in the last 45 mins and put it all together by playing a game called “Par 18”.

PS: This is another game from my Short Game E-Book. If you want more games like this, check them out here.

There you have it. A very simple & effective practice session that will last 60mins when practicing your short game.

Ultimate Guide to Practice

Make swing changes that transfer to the golf course, and get better, and faster.

Ultimate Guide to Practice

Ultimate Guide to Indoor Practice

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The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Golf Practice

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