Have you ever wondered how you should structure a 60-minute golf practice session?
Here’s a simple practice plan with actionable advice & games you can play to keep you occupied & improve your putting.

5 Mins – Warm Up
All you need to do is practice on a putting mirror for 5 minutes to warm up.
Now when I say, “warm up”, all you are doing is making sure your setup is good, stroke is moving well, posture is good, etc.

Academy Members
Watch the premium video on warming up.

5 Mins – Start Line Work
On the same putting mirror, place a gate or 2 tees roughly a foot or 2 away from where the ball sits on the putting mirror.
Work on hitting the ball through the gate. Hit 10-15 putts or until 5 mins has passed.

Academy Members
Watch the premium video on start line work.

10 Mins – Distance Control Understanding
Work on how distance control is created. Ideally you want enough energy in the backswing to hit the ball your desired distance.
A great drill is to place tees one grip length in front & behind the ball as you can see in this image. You can add 2 more tees to work on longer putts.
The idea is to have your backswing finish on the first tee behind the ball, & the follow through to finish on the tee in front of the ball. Backswing & downswing should match, as well as the speed the club is moving.
Hit 5 balls and try to have all 5 balls finish within a grip length.

Academy Members
Watch the premium video on distance control.

10 Mins – Green Reading
Learn to read greens via learning the basics of Aim Point or using what I would call a 3-step system.
An easy way to read the green would be to find where the ball needs to be in the final 1/3 of the putt. Work back from there.
Aim Point is very simple, use a level, find what slope it is and hold up that number of fingers. It take next to no time at all.

Academy Members
Watch the premium video on green reading (aim point) and green reading 3-step system.

10 Mins – Short Putting Game
Test your short putting skills via a skills game. Place tees around the hole in a NSEW fashion at 3, 4 & 5ft.
See if you can go all around the hole without missing for the next 10 mins. Can you get 12/12? After 10 mins, what was the best score you could achieve?
10 Mins – Mid Range Practice
Practice your putting from what I’d call “Mid-Range”. These are putts from 5-20ft & are most likely to be par saves or birdie putts.
I don’t expect you to make all of these, but you should be working on putting all 3 skills together. Speed, Read, Start Line.
Do the 100ft challenge. It’s a great game for this.
10 Mins – Lag Putting
Using the skills from your distance control practice, play a putting game that involves putts from 20-50ft. These are going to come in handy when you maybe hit a green in 2 on a par 5 & have an eagle putt, or maybe a par 3 tee shot.
Here’s a game you can play called “Proximity Test”.
There you have it. A very simple & effective practice session that will last 60mins when on the putting green.
It will help you work on all the skills you need to become a better putter.
If you’d like more information or more practice game & putting techniques, check out my Performance Practice E-Book & the Ryan Mouque Golf Academy as resources for you to take a look at if interested.